52 degrees, clear skies, and the cars kept rolling in on April Fools Day. 27 pax posted for a hump day workout. With the great weather and high spirits, we got down to business!

Mosey around to the concession stand for warm ups

SSH x20

Don Quixotes x10

Merkins x10

Good Mornings x10

Planks, 10 count each position (plank, left arm up, left leg up, plank, right arm up, right leg up)

Mountain Climbers x10

Mosey back to the flags

William Wallace BLIMPS: BLIMPS staying together, all in cadence, followed by a “Braveheart” battlecry and sprint back to the starting position; second round was OYO

11’s (crunchy frogs and smurfjacks)

6 minutes of Mary (Reverse crunch, Dying cockroach, Flutter kicks) set of 15 each followed by a set of 5


Kingpin feeling better and Moses is back home from a visit with his mom

Aquaman’s brother continues to need prayers; our shout outs on Group Chat recently meant a lot

Skully recovering from knee pain; Possum recovering from shoulder injury

Steamy dealing with an issue at work

Splinter’s wife surgery recovery

Randy Fussell’s daughter Stewart was in an auto accident; grateful for no injuries

Cold Cut closed us out in prayer

Announcements: This is the last week to order your F3ENC Crossbones shirt; Charlie Brown and Shrimp have the Q on Good Friday


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