Thanks to Underdog for asking me to Q for the first time.  Also thanks to String Bean & Wimpie for the advice ahead of time to keep it simple.

Warmup: 20 SSH; 20 Plank Jacks & 12 GM

Thang: After a short mosey to the first intersection everyone partnered up and did 10 Merkins; 10 WWI & 10 Squats each.  Each partner then ran in the opposite direction around BLP and when they met up did the same 10-10-10 exercises until they had met on the track 3x and then planked for the 6 at the flag.  Next up was Doracides of the same exercises with your partner; 100 Merkins; 200 WWI & 300 Squats.  Each time you ran you had to do one burpee for fun at the end of the grass and run back.  Finished up with 6 minutes of Mary’s and called it a morning at 615.

Prayer Requests:  San Fran’s Wife & String Bean’s Neighbor

Announcements: Get out & vote; Glow Run on Nov 4 @ Greenville Christian Academy; Buy F3 Hats on the website & This Saturday is at Jaycee Park followed by trash pick up

Thanks to everyone who showed up to my VQ!  Stern



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