EC Ruck: The Little Mermaid, Cousteau, Stabler, and Patch.

Pax arrived at the flag looking to celebrate with a BJ

Good Mornings 1X IC (For Bono)
Don Quixote’s 10X IC
Imperial Walkers 15X IC
SSH’s 20X IC
Mosey to Minges Meadow

Smurf Jacks and Monkey Humpers
Mosey to the tennis courts

4 Corners Ab Circuit
4 count Flutter kicks 25X
4 Count Freddie Merc’s 25x
WW2’s 25X
WW1’s 25X
Mosey to the statue

Team up for Dora 123
100 Merkins
200 LBC’s
300 Squats
*One partner runs stairs while the other works.

Mosey to the wall.
BTTW 5 count/pax
People’s Chair 10 count/pax
Indian run short loop between stadium and minges meadow back to flag.

Pax circled up to give one word to describe their F3 experience.

Prayers: Patch’s 2.0, Slim Jim’s daughter and pregnancy, Scotty Moe and family, Psycho’s M’s boss, 10 nails friend austin, voorhees family travels, Bono’s secretary.

Today was one year in the gloom for YHC. I remember my first post. Crabby E from Carterico had headlocked me, and Bono lined me up with a post at The Clydesdales. My first post was difficult, and I only posted once a week for a while. Once I was introduced to rucking, I realized that I had found a new vice and slowly added an extra post here and there in the week. today, as I reflect on how difficult it was on my first post, i remember how sore I was, how winded I was, how I wanted to go home, but that there were others who pushed me to finish the workout. then, those same brothers pushed me to post, not just at Clydesdales, but elsewhere. Then, I was pushed to Q, then to site Q, and now, I am given opportunity to spur that growth in others.

F3 has given me accountability, camaraderie, discipline, and purpose. These things wouldn’t be possible in my life on my own. Only when we lock shields together, do we realize that we can accomplish the impossible. Things I never would have done on my own, are easier with brothers in the gloom. It’s true what they say; “it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.” I am thankful for the brothers that have helped me grow stronger, I am thankful for F3!

TClap |