With the thickness in the air YHC rolled up the M.A.S.H and saw a good number of PAX gather by the light pole and then the flag. Fist-bumps went around and it was 5:30…


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Cherry Pickers IC

5 burpees OYO for Cousin IT showing up a little late

The Thang

Pax took a big lap around the parking lot ending at the Minges Meadow and then back for the 6.

PAX lined up along the curb and did merkin inchworms all the way to the other side of the field (Al Gore for the 6)

Lunge back the way we came

Burpee frog-jumps (modification burpee with 3 lunges). Pax Al Gore for 6

PAX then moseyed to the side of the curb and bear crawled across the field (Al Gore for the 6). Lunge back across the field.

YHC instructed pack to mosey to Gate 6 and pick a spot on the wall, while YHC stopped and got his good ‘ol coupon (35 lb kettle bell).

All PAX would do people’s chair, while first PAX member on the wall held the kettle bell for 5 count, step out and do a kettle bell swimg, then a burpee and pass the kettle bell to the next PAX member. Once everyone was done, it was rinse and repeat while still in people’s chair and feeling the burn it was a 10 count.

Circled up right by the gate for some Mary:

30 LBC’s IC

30 Flutterkicks IC


Then it was time to “Have a good morning” and just reflect on the day ahead.

Moseyed back to the flag and it was 6:15




Prayers for Cables 2.0 getting married this weekend

Fruity Pebbles VQ

Little League team traveling back from GA and 13 Yr Old Babe Ruth team getting ready to travel to Arkansas


Cousin IT has the Q at the Summit tomorrow

Fruity Pebbles VQ at the Sandlot

Tiny Dancer has the Q at RunStrong

It was a HOT and MUGGY morning but the PAX did a great job and pushed hard throughout the entire workout with some great mumble chatter along the way and no it just wasn’t me talking. This was my 1 yr anniversary Q, since it was actually last Thursday on Aug 2nd that I started F3. Thank you to Skipper and Slim Jim (Double Respect) for getting me to go out and join these great group of men.


TClap |