SSH IC (15), Good Mornings IC (15), Small & Big Arm Circles 


Jack Webb.1 merkins then 4 hallelujah and keep going up by 1 merkins and 4 hallelujah until you get to 10 merkins and 40 hallelujah.

Bear crawl the benches

10 shoulder taps & balls to the wall for 10 count.

20 shoulder taps & balls to wall for 20 count.

30 shoulder taps & balls to wall for 30 count.

Ran to gate 9 & did 10 burpees.

Indian Run to College Hill.

At the pull-up bars: Partner-up & complete 30 pull-ups.

Run up College Hill backward to the curb and then bear crawl to the steps.

15 fat boy pull ups.

25 step up(each leg.

Indian Run back to the flag.


Prayer for unity of our nation.

Grammar’s daughter has surgery coming up August 10th…and PRAISE to F3ENC for money raised to help with that.

Whatley’s Grandfather just released from the hospital.

Cold Cut’s neck injury.

Several PAX members nursing injury; prayers for recovery and return to the gloom.


Sasquatch coming up 7/28/18. SIGN UP……..either to RUN, RUCK, or VOLUNTEER.:

Friday night, 7/27/18 is 2nd F event at Uptown Brewery 7-9p

Always take the high road.

Slim Jim


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