My first attempt at leading a Rucksack workout.

I decided to go offsite to change things up a bit.

I had a good time making the men play on the monkey bars while there was ice on the bars themselves. There was a lot of mumble chatter from the women of the group saying that it was a bit dangerous and that they were scared of falling the 4 feet to the ground if they slipped. I told them to take their panties off and get to work 2 by 2. After hearing some more complaints I then decided to break the ruck rules again by making them run up hills while wearing our rucksack. Well, there were more complaints and while this mumble chatter was taking place I noticed that there was a lot of sacs moving quite freely, but we will address this later.

Feeling a bit tormented by the mumble, and movement of sacs, I decided to add more weight to strengthen the shoulders of these lace carrying girly-men. Thus, lets grab some rail-road ties and carry them like a monkey on their backs taking a dump of bricks down their shirts.

Feeling better about the workout, and stopping the constance bickering from the women, we then picked up the pace, burned their bras, and allowed us time to do some checking of bags like a TSA agent on crack. So, throwing the railed road on the ground we trotted over to the circle of life and began some cup checks like Elton John hopped up on mountain-dew.

My command was to curl our rucks, throw it on the ground, do a burpee and grab the sac on your right with gentle hands. This accomplished 2 things: 1. I get to make everyone do burpees on frozen ground and 2. we get to see how heavy our bags are.

This was surprisingly informative to the weight added to various hairy man-sacs. However, this did stoke the pipe that piper likes to blow. I personally enjoyed throwing the REALLY cold and light bag at him (Full of lunch meat) and pouring fuel on the fire.

So, heres what I propose. At the end of the workout we do something like what I did, and pass the bag. This accomplished 3 things:

1: Make us accountable to having at least 30 pounds in our sacs.

2. Shows us who is really working out.

3. Teaches us how to puff puff pass.


Peace out



Prayer Request

Followup Hint-Dads Kidney Stone is gone.

Pong-Pray for Heart attack and Dialysis


Grammers co-worker

Jokers M


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Pied Piper said add more weight to your rucksack

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