YHC arrived at #RunStrong at 0500 to meet up with other PAX members to get in some EC before the beatdown began. As the minutes ticked away, several PAX members began to roll in. YHC started promptly at 0530 and gave a quick disclaimer with an FNG in the house! YHC did warn the PAX that we were going to stay true to the name of Run Strong!

Warm Up

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • Squats OYO
  • 3 Burpees OYO

The Thang

YHC instructed PAX to form two lines to form an INDIAN RUN down Elm Street to take left on 4th Street to head to the parking deck downtown.

Upon arrival at the parking deck, YHC gave further instructions of a unique speedy twist on Dora 1, 2, 3 that would require the PAX to have shorter rest breaks and more movement.

50 Imperial Squat Walkers, 100 Jump Squats, and 150 LBCs

One partner would start exercising and the other would run as usual, but the partner exercising did not have to wait for their partner to come back.

As soon as the partner running reaches the next level in the parking deck, they began exercising. When that partner began exercising the partner initially exercising catches their partner. The partners basically worked themselves up and down the parking deck quickly while adding reps and each level and sprinting after their partner to replace them.

It is easier to see in action than to explain, but it was similar to Catch Me If You Can with Dora mixed in. It turned out to be an awesome push, especially racing beside Abu, G-String, and Gazelle.

After the Speed Date with Dora was completed, YHC led the PAX in Merkin Mania at the bottom of the parking deck. 5 reps of variations of merkins without rest.

5 regular merkins, 5 crucible merkins, 5 ranger merkins, 5 wide arm merkins, 10 staggered merkins (5 each), and 5 diamond merkins

Once completed, YHC instructed PAX to form 2 lines to return to the flag INDIAN RUN style.


Great push by the PAX today! Awesome to see numbers increasing at Run Strong once again. Must be the nicer weather!!

– Hat Trick

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