YHC looked through the previous months back blasts to see where we haven’t been in awhile.  Couldn’t find where the Lower Minges lot was used this year for run strong.  Thus, that is where we headed for the day.  It wouldn’t be a run strong workout without Strokes coming in screeching at the last second.  Disclaimer was given and we began.

Warm Up:

Boston Butts X 20 IC

Cotton Pickers X 10 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the Lower Minges lot via Elm to 14th (cut through at the stadium).  YHC had the PAX line up on the sidewalk at the bus stop.  A series of runs all the way down to the other sidewalk would commence with varying speeds.  The PAX ran the first leg (down and back) at 1/4 speed of their fastest mile pace.  The second leg was completed at 1/2 speed (Wimpie was trying to show us up as he went balls out full speed!!).  The third leg was ran at a pace of 3/4 to full speed.  At this point we had about 15 minutes to get back to the flag.  YHC instructed the PAX to take the long way home via Charles to 14th to Elm (Back for the 6 at each intersection).  We got back to the flag right at 6:15!

Prayer Requests:

Tonka’s friend going through an issue right now

Slim Jim’s sister-in-law with stage 4 cancer

Mayhem’s ex co-worker passed away yesterday

Scotty Moe’s brother getting out of a treatment center-prayer for guidance


Abu is leading a Q school at the Good Fight on Thursday.  Great opportunity to learn proper technique with KB lifting.

Wimpie has the Q at BLP tomorrow.

Seal has the Q in Farmville tomorrow.

Since Tiny Dancer won the Sasquatch he is racing the rest of the PAX next week at run strong!  We need about 40 PAX to race him!


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