Jackpot asked YHC to Q last week. Came up with the plan and it went like this.

Warm-up: SSH (IC), Good Mornings (IC) and Mike Phelps (IC).

The Thang: Mosey to the rocks for reps of 15-10-5 of Curls, Tris, OHP, Rows and goblet squats. We rotated on calling cadence. Mosey to the light pole for suicides. Did 10 merkins at the first pole every time. Mall walk to the parking lot. Lunge 3 spots and do 3 burpees, on other side bear crawl 3 spots and 3 dry docks and last side was broad jump and 3 jump sqts. Took a half lap around track and stopped at shelter for 15-10-5 of dips, urks, durks, foot release sqts and step-ups with all pax calling cadence. Mosey back to the flag for assorted Mary by all Pax.


  • Sound Bites Aunt in Texas
  • Rafiki MIL recovering from fall
  • Aquaman mother and family
  • 10/23 Blood Drive at Drew Steele Center
  • 11/21 Feeding the 5000 in Grimesland 
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