
That’s what YHC said when Die Hard asked for a Q at The Collard Patch.

The Site Q Calleth

The Ladder Cometh


Paramore Park, Peoples Baptist Church, JH Rose High School, Boyd Lee Park, Dowdy Ficklen Stadium, EB Aycock, Elm Street Park.


Now Ayden District Park.

The Ladder continues it’s 2018 ENC Regional Tour.

Thanks for the opportunity Die Hard!!!

This morning went a little something like this:

DA THUNG (That was for you Aqua)

At the flag:

SSH x 100 (That’s how Chad Williams, former Navy Seal, started our Epic Beatdown on Saturday)

Indian Run around the Park.

Ladder remains in front, over head.

Head to Disc Golf Basket (aka the Abyss)

5,10,15,10,5 REPS of three exercises in sequence  (Sounds simple huh? But it HURTS)

Arm Haulers (SEAL WORTHY)

Low Squat Mule Kicks

Long Legged Burpees (basically proper form Burpees IC. Slow motion. Good form)

Indian run to the sand volleyball courts.

Ladder stays in front over head.

Partner up.

Bear crawl perimeter and each partner does 5,10,15,10,5 REPS of merkins. Parter that is waiting does low plank hold toe tappers. Flap Jack.

Mosey to shelter.

5,10,15,10,5 REPS of three exercises

Clorox Merkins (Crazy eyes LOVES these)

In and Outs (Cousin IT favorite)

Super Step Ups (Gracias Rafiki)

At this point, YHC was pretty smoked, but knew that the Bear Drag must be revealed.

This was one of the toughest exercises that Chad dropped on us this past Saturday and YHC knew it would be a new F3 fave.

You will see it again soon.


Mosey back to flag.

100 SSH IC (This is the ladder. What goes up must come down)

6:15 strikes

All are thankful for the end.


F3ENC powerpoint at UC Kiwanis Club, Vanilla’s dad’s hip surgery, AquaMan’s co-worker with heart attack, Aqua’s mom is having MRI, Praise for Crazy Eye’s church raising big bucks from Spring Fling, ECU track athlete is recovering well from accident, Wimpie glad to be back in the gloom and encourages us to find guys that have stopped posting. Praise for the Heavy Ruckers this past weekend. Absolutely phenomenal accomplishment.

BOM – Prayer led by YHC

ANNOUNCEMENTS – SIGN UP FOR CAMP-O-REE!!! MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!! (AND US AT CAMP-O-REE :) AquaMan has the Q at The Collard Patch next Monday. (It is gonna be easy) Stabler has the torch for 116. Tuesday lunch at KickBack Jack’s. Three Dog Night starts Thursday! VQ’s Friday at the Stadium.  MMMBop and Pickle.

Photo! Vanilla on the Ladder. Cause he rocks.


Thoughts and Observances:

Crazy Eyes is a BEAST! Where will he Q first??? Site Q’s – you better grab him soon! YHC will be there for the VQ, Lord Willing! Dude is a monster!

Hot Spot and Silverback have officially started dating.

Duff nearly lost a thumbnail carrying the ladder.

Welcome Back Wimp. The gloom is not the same without you bro.

Cousin IT posted. And he will post again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day. You get the idea. :)

AquaMan is a weenus.

Die Hard is doing a great job as Site Q. Would have given him an A plus for the Q’s he has lined up this month. But he is letting AquaMan Q next Monday. That is automatic F minus. Sorry Die Hard.

Vanilla is stronger than a Gorilla. (But it would be cool to see him and Silverback square off)

Rafiki is everywhere. YHC is wondering if he has cloned himself somehow…???

Pothole is calling someone out in today’s Twitter photo? Who is it? Is it you? Will you Q? How do you do? Did I forget my shoes? :)

The gloom was RICH this morning boys!


Chill Cut Toe Tappers in the sand… Not fun.

The Bear Drag… Oh buddy. Instant classic.

-String Bean Out

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