It was a brisk morning at the commons, a few posted for some EC and overall 19 showed up for a nice Sunday morning run.  I knew I had a tough act to follow with the Krispy Kreme and The Sweede’s Q so hopefully everyone was not expecting doughnuts and still go their moneys worth.

The thang:

Mosey to the pond by the hospital via 3rd street.  Had a strong group so everyone stayed together pretty well.

At the pond directions were to play a game of tag.  Plan sounded better than was executed because everyone went after the fast guys.  Should of done the catch me if you can, with partners, that may have went a little better.  We did 2 laps and before we took off we had 5 burpees.  I was reminded this is not a bootcamp, so I reminded the naysayer that I am the Q!

Mosey down Stantonsburg and the goal was to be at the 10th street connector by 7:45 for the sunset.  We made it at 7:47, and boy that view was something else.  Bono wanted to take a picture, but of course in his ranger panties we saw a little more then we wanted.  Tonka then mentioned “you don’t even see the outline” so really makes you wander?  After a picture we made it back to the flag at 7:00 on the dot.

All 19 finished with a 6.4 mile run, and props to spinal tap for posting on his bike.

Prayer Requests:

1 burpee for Mosey and his bypass surgery.

Alex White’s Family.

Zucker’s wife and the pre-cancerous spot on her leg.

Sorry for the missed prayer requests and announcements, recorder was going in an out.


Glad to have 19 guys out for a nice brisk run this morning.  The commons is an AO everyone should experience, it can be tough to wake up early on a Sunday morning but the benefit is endless.  The best comment I heard was Past Due saying “It is a different city up here” and watching the sunset only mirrors that.  Yes, it is a construction zone, and we probably should not have been up there but sometimes you have to step out and really enjoy gods creation.   Overall, I enjoyed the opportunity to Q and as always love stepping out and do something different.


TClap |