12 PAX arrived to the #TheCommons to make the most of the humidity and the hills we could find during our 6 mile journey through the gloom.

The Thang:

Departed #TheCommons on Contanche to the parking deck where we ran from the bottom to the top two times. We regrouped and followed Cotanche to 14th St. We made a left on 14th St and up the hill past Belk dorm and made a right onto Elm St. We turned left on Overlook Dr. Following Overlook to the end, we took in several hills. At the end of Overlook we turned around and went back down Overlook to Elm St. Turned right onto Elm St. then left onto 5th St. Followed 5th back to Cotanche turning right and heading back to the shovel flag.

Prayer Requests:

Grammar’s daughter will be having eye surgery soon.

G- String got engaged over the weekend.

Spalding’s daughter and other kids will be attending a youth camp through church this week.

Praise from Past Due being able to post at #TheCommons


Sasquatch coming up on July 28th! Let’s talk it up among all AO’s. Talk it up on Twitter!

#BRR and #Sasquatch supply prep night at Fleet Feet on July 26th. Gear up with Footloose and other PAX to get ready for #BRR and #Sasquatch.More to come from Footloose.

Challenge… put together 10 posts in a row. Bring and FNG or a Kotter and that counts as a post too. Fleet feet gift cards to the winners

Grammar’s daughter will be having eye surgery soon. His copay for the surgery procedure is $4,000. Fundraiser for Burpee Coupons will be coming out from Tonka.

Charity Miles for CoopStrong. Have to join ALS Charity Miles then CoopStrong.


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