Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of American to begin this Gloom . Fruity and YHC had the Helm. Runners and Ruckers head out on tremendous routes. These routes today fostered fellowship as men share each burden of another. Many times, closer than a brother.

Nobody fell from slipping, running or stepping.

Our children need to see Jesus in us. We have to model the HOPE of the NATIONS. A legacy of belonging has to be restored to curb a wave of self-harming beliefs. Be ye kind. Lean not on our own understanding, but lean into the everlasting arms which does and will sustain us.

COT: $40 Watermelons; we have to let our loves ones know they are highly prized because of nothing we do, but all of what Jesus does. Your Job will not miss you; your children will know.

Aquaman’s M’s Step mom in hospital, not looking good. Mayhem-diabetes. T-Bone’s dad and M. Kevlar. Wheezer’s mom-cateract surgery and recovery. Softshell’s brother-in-law recovering. Middle States-TX, etc being pounded by weather. Great Harvest bread. Mental Health. Crossing barriers, such as that woman at the well in Samaria.

YHC prayed us out.

Q-Source at the Bunker (4th street parking deck, downtown G-Vegas, 6:45-7:15)

Until next time my brothers.

TClap |