100% chance of Liquid Sunshine between 0530 and 0630.

100% chance that the Shovel Flag gets planted and men will face the elements and be better for it.

3 runners.

9 ruckers.

One awesome FNG. Welcome Froth!

The runners ran across the River, then down historic 5th Street, then looped through beautiful Brookgreen, then headed down 14th to Charles. Then finished with the hill on Third. Awesome route and even more awesome conversation.

The ruckers rucked somewhere and talked about something.

COT and BOM led by YHC.

Prayers for PAX struggling with Covid, for Soft Shell’s friend Keith.

Praises for Soft Shell’s 2.0 getting engaged and for our newest FNG, Froth!!!

Happy 2021, Brothers!

Until Next Time,

String Bean Out

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