String Bean put out the call for Q’s. YHC volunteered to lead the Ruck side because 2020 hasn’t been a good running year.. Spalding chose to lead the run and join us on a Sunday! Cold-Cut was going to do the run, but String said he could be the ride Q! Spalding started to announce the runner route, so YHC led the ruckers out, and then String pulled up to plan the #ShovelFlag and ride out!

YHC took the ruckers on a route he designed several months back and added some extra to it.

Cold-Cut said the bikers got 10 miles.


Aquaman and the loss of his Mom.

Donor for the Feed the 5000 already has a check for this weekend, other donations will be rolled over, etc.

YHC closed us in prayer.


QSource led by Aquaman at Starbucks, great discussion and book! Get your copy if you haven’t!

Feed the 5000 this weekend and other things happening at!


Big group with many options, 2 rides, 9 runners, and 9 ruckers! Many options, find yours and take advantage of all there is to offer!!!

TClap |