It had been a while since YHC was last seen at the Good Fight, but an opportunity came up to Q and YHC jumped on it.  The game plan was set and 0530 came.



20 x SSH IC

10 x Merkins IC

10 x Squats IC



One of YHC’s favorite things to do is slow down the pace of the exercises.  In true YHC fashion, we slowed down some exercises to a slow count (eccentric movement).


Slow Count (10 x Reps)

Upright Rows

Goblet Squats

Sing-Arm Chest Press (R/L)


Compound Movements (10 x Reps)

Russian Swing to High Pull

Goblet Squat to Calf Raise

Single-Legged Merkin to Clean (R/L)


Slow Count (10 x Reps)

Lawnmowers (R/L)

Rear Lunge (R/L)

Chest Press with Leg Lift (R/L)


Compound Movements (10 x Reps)

Row to Clean to Press (R/L)

Snatch to Rear Lunge (R/L)

Devil’s Press (Double Arm Clean, Squat, Press)



Elevator Merkins





For all of you runners out there, don’t be afraid to cross-train with weights.  It may help reduce the risk of injury.

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