Sometimes in life you just have to go for it.  YHC and Spin Cycle had a good talk last night and brainstormed ideas afterwards.  The trick was how do we take some of the suckiest parts of prior workouts and make them even suckier.  The farmer’s carry came to mind and large kettle bells.  The plan was formed. We started with BOM for a prayer – Denver style.  There is power in prayer and Gamecock and Mellow Johnny’s father needed a little extra love this morning. Then we went into a quick warm-up of: SSH-IC; Mustache Squats-IC; Imperial Walkers-IC; Slo-Mo Merkins.  Then it was a quick set of suicide sprints and then we got down to business.

The Thang: Farmers carry to the first corner – Phil Ford is the best point guard of all time and by the end of this workout, everyone will know it…Once at the corner we complete a 5 min AMRAP of:

Corner 1: Kettlebell Swings and Globlet Squats – go to reps of 20 for each or until you max out; then do the other exercise

Sprint to the next corner and back w/o the KB; then get the KB and farmer’s carry to the next corner

Corner 2: Waiter Press and Lunges – Follow KB with eyes on WP and hold for 3 sec – go for 20 reps (10 each arm) or max out;

Sprint to the next corner and back w/o the KB; then get the KB and go to the next corner

Corner 3: Single-arm Rows and WWIs – go to reps of 20 for each or until you max out

Sprint to the next corner and back w/o the KB; then get the KB and go to the next corner

Corner 4: Kettle bell crossover with a twist and Low Squat Holds (Spin Cycle Special) – go to 20 reps for each arm or until you max out; then Low hold for a 60 count or until you max out

COT/BOM: Prayers for Gamecock and his recovery. Prayers for Underdog’s bride.  It was great to have Splinter back after a brief IR, as well as Arsenio and Gang Star back in the gloom.  Mellow Johnny’s Dad prayer. Clifton and Tonya who just lost their home to a fire.

Announcements: GrowRuck 02 is March 10-12. Do something in your life worth remembering. Sign up.

Moleskin: Today was fun. The weather was the perfect temp. We got to talk about the GrowRuck a little afterwards. YHC has said before, weights are not my thing, but the more YHC does something uncomfortable, the more comfortable it gets. That may be trouble. The highlight of today was having Arsenio, Gang Star, and Splinter back. It means a lot to see familiar friends and get pushed by them.

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