The Thang

After a few warmup exercises of SSH, Good mornings, & 5 Burpees, we proceeded to do a mosey over to Memorial Baptist church for some 4 corners around the church building.  The exercises in each corner were:  1st Round:  10 Herkins, 20 Butt Kickers, 30 Plank Jacks, & 40 Mountain Climbers;  2nd Round:  We doubled each exercise.

We then moseyed  back to the front yard of Aycock and partnered up for some Lazy Dora.  Partners switched at 25 and the exercises were:  100 Merkins while partner planked, 200 LBCs while partner held 6 inches, 300 Squats while partner did a squat hold.  Plank variations while waiting for the 6.

We then moved to the sidewalk in front of the school and lined up for a Quarter Pounder.  Full sprint from sidewalk to light pole, performed exercise, and backward ran back to the sidewalk.  Exercises are 25 Monkey Humpers, 50 Jump Squats, 75 High Knees, and 100 Flutter kicks.

When everyone finished we moseyed to the flag and did a 20 count of WWII situps.

Prayer Requests

Those seekings jobs

Covid quarantines

Hurricanes & Wildfires

Our Nation/Elections/Positivity




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