
5 Burpees – to appreciate how easy a regular burpee is

10 180 Jump Burpees

5 Left-Legged Burpees

5 Right-Legged Burpees

4 Left-Legged Burpees

4 Right-Legged Burpees

3 Left-Legged Burpees

3 Right-Legged Burpees

2 Left-Legged Burpees

2 Right-Legged Burpees

Just when the PAX thought we had 1 rep left…

10 180 Jump Burpees

Shake your neighbor’s hand.  You just successfully completed the warm-up

The Thang:

3 Rounds of Wimpie Legs

10 Donkey Kicks

10 Jump Squats

10 Jump Lunges

Bono Blimps – Starting on the sidewalk by the bathroom, complete the exercise(s), run to other side of the field even with the gazebo, back pedal back.

5 Burpees

5 Burpees, 10 Lunges (5 each leg)

5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers

5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins

5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks

5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats

Cable led the finishers through some Mary on the gazebo while YHC finished with the six.

My plan was to work our way back down the Bono Blimps, but after a quick assessment of the PAX, I realized we needed to move on to something else.  You’re welcome.

Find a step, picnic bench, etc. to perform a little circuit.

2 rounds of

10 Left Leg Extended Dips IC

10 Right Leg Extended Dips IC

10 Left Leg Split Squats IC

10 Right Leg Split Squats IC

10 Box Jumps IC

10 Derkins IC

A quick Switzer for a celebratory kudos for making it to this point in the workout.  It is downhill from here.

2 cool-down laps and meet back at the flag for some F3 Washington guys to lead us in some ab exercises chosen by YHC.

Circle Up

10 Peter Parkers and 10 Chillcut Peter Parkers IC led by Gaylord

10 J-Los IC led by Mama’s Boy

10 Grave Diggers IC led by Conch Fritter

Parker Peters IC led by FNG Andy (F3 Name Shawshank)

Plank to Low Plank Holds led by Flatline

Prayer Requests: 10-year-old girl and man driving a moped who recently lost their life, hurricane victims, Hot Pursuit’s son, praise for F3 Washington taking off like it has.

Announcements: Novocain has the Co-Q with Aquaman on Tuesday.

Moleskin:  Thanks to Mayhem for entrusting me with the Snotwoggler.  It was brutal but fun and very rewarding.  Lots of leakage.  We are going to be sore, but we all pushed through it.  Lots of love and support shown throughout the beatdown, which was awesome.  Minimal mumblechatter, at least from what I could hear.  Maybe it was because people were too focused on trying to catch their own breath.  The #Waterfront is a special place.  Some guys are really stepping up and it won’t be long before that place is rocking. Aye!

Oh by the way, 83 burpees x 26 PAX = a boat load of burpees.  2,158 to be exact.  Great work men!

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