It was a nice cold clear morning as 13 PAX gathered at the West Side Story.

Pied Piper had been out for extra credit rucking earlier that morning.  Pax trickled in 1 by 1 and Hot Spot came in blasting the rock and rock as we shook his car side to side in anticipation of a good work out.

Hot Spot had inspired King Pin to push a little harder with a geriatric comment earlier during the week at a Boyd Lee Park work out that he wanted to get a good workout under the lead of the old dog and he did not want to be standing around yawning.    HHHMMM!!!!!  That was al it took to arouse the Q to kick it up another notch!

After the disclaimer by King Pin and a welcome to Tyler Smith (Protein)  We stretched legs – Cotton Pickers, abs – Good Mornings and shoulders – Small circles and large circles.

Next we eased over to the soccer field for a hand of Black Jack.  Pax lined up on the side line and started with 1 Merkin then a run across the field for 20 LBC’s (21 is the magic number).  Next 2 Merkins, run and 19 LBC’s until we completely turned the table.

Charlie Brown and Cold Cut were unusually quiet for some odd reason but there was not much time for mumble chatter.

Next we met DORA for a team effort of 50 Merkins, 100 WW! sit ups, and 200 squats as we ran across the soccer field.

PAX then moved over to a building beside the soccer field where we all attempted a round of ascending testicles.  A challenging task after all the Merkins that we had just completed.

6:15 was approaching so we moved back to the shovel flag for a round of MARY by various members of the PAX

Prayer concerns we lifted up and 1 BURPEE by each PAX member for MOSES1

Great work by all and pain was felt the next day in lots of shoulders

Thanks calling me out Cousin It and giving the old guy a chance to Q again.

Thanks HOT SPOT for inspirations.  I did not see anyone YAWNING all morning.



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