Podium Finish For All

When: 05/18/2021 QIC: Abu Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Bono, Brass Monkey, Candy Cane, Coffee Bean, Fin, Footloose, Gazelle, Guido, Hometown, Matlock, Newfie (RESPECT), Novocaine, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spare Change, Stern, String Bean, The...

Up the pyramid

When: 05/14/2021 QIC: Arkansas Pax: Arkansas, Captain Obvious, Coffee Bean, Gazelle, Grout, Madoff, Matlock, Punch Out, Silverback (RESPECT) 9 PAX came out to run Ovals on this glorious morning.  The workout went a little something like this: 2 Lap warmup 400 –...

Old School Run Strong

When: 05/11/2021 QIC: Cable Pax: Abu, Brass Monkey, Cable, Coffee Bean, Gazelle, Hometown, Madoff, Matlock, Novocaine, Past Due (RESPECT), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spare Change, Stern, The Closed Hand, Wedgie, Wimpie FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG- Coffee Bean Indian run...