out and back and over the nipple

When: 12/11/2021 QIC: Grout Pax: Big Rig, Duff, Gazelle, Grout, Mad Dog, Spunky Brewster, Stern, Tonka North on Greenville Blvd, left on Charles, left on Tenth, over the nipple and made it all the way to Memorial. This was an honest 5k. Reverse course back to...

Doughnut Run

When: 12/16/2021 QIC: Stern Pax: Abu, Cousin IT, Duff, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Frank the Tank, Grisham, Half-Pipe, Hometown, Matlock, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Petey, RedBox, Rockfish (Grimes), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, The Closed Hand, Underdog The...

Run Strong and Run Cold

When: 12/14/2021 QIC: Duff Pax: Boston Lager, Brass Monkey, Duff, Frank the Tank, Gazelle, Punch Out, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, The Closed Hand, Yellow Brick A cold December in Tuesday means one thing: Running Strongly! The Route Elm to First and take a right,...

Track Stars

When: 12/03/2021 QIC: Grout Pax: Abu, Arkansas, Bullfrog, Clipper, Duff, Grout, Punch Out, Snooki Warm UP 400 meter easy Squat Jumps x10 Merkin x20 Forward Lunge x20 The Thang Standing broad jump x10, sprint the rest of the 100 meter Power skip x10, sprint the rest of...

The Sandlot 12/7

When: 12/07/2021 QIC: Madoff Pax: Duff, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Madoff, Matlock, Rafiki, RedBox, Seabass, Silverback (RESPECT), Wedgie We had 11 PAX attempt a new route to Sam Jones.  Some made and some didn’t. We ran down Ange and...