When: 08/27/18 QIC: Noonan Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bartman, Cousin IT, Dusty Rhodes, Noonan, Scotty Moe Six PAX showed and proved that they had more than enough to beat the Fartsack and complete a Noonan Q. Warm up – 10 Good Morning’sIC 15 SSH’s IC 20 Burpees...


When: 06/27/18 QIC: SEAL Pax: Bad Boy, Bartman, Brick (Farmville), Dusty Rhodes, Fruity Pebbles, Gas Man, Grammar, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Lumberjack, Scotty Moe, Seal, Silverback (RESPECT), Sweet Tart, Tiny Dancer (2.0), Wall Street FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNGs - Brick,...

All In

When: 06/25/18 QIC: Dusty Rhodes Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bad Boy, Bartman, Dusty Rhodes, Scotty Moe, Stern, Tiny Dancer (2.0) YHC asked Dusty to Q about a month ago, Dusty said yes and the beatdown went something like this. Warm-Up Good mornings (IC) SSH (IC) The...

I Get Knocked Down

When: 06/20/18 QIC: Bartman Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bad Boy, Bartman, Bench, Dusty Rhodes, Quick, Seal, Sock Hop, Tiny Dancer (2.0), Wall Street FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Quick WARMUP: SSH X 13, Good Morning X 10, Hill Billies X 10, Indian Run 1 block. THE THANG: 5...