How we all got the claps

When: 12/11/2019 QIC: Psycho Pax: Akeem, Arkansas, Backhoe, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gamecock (RESPECT), Just the Tip (RESPECT), Monarch, Psycho It was a windy cold rainy morning when I first stepped out of the car. Thankfully the rained subsided and we were off....

The Drunken Indian Run

When: 09/23/2019 QIC: Psycho Pax: 4 Corners, Akeem, Arkansas, Bean Bag, Bench, Bono, Bookworm (RESPECT), Chicken Wang, Cousin IT, Cousteau (moved), Crayola, Deep Dish, Haavaad (RESPECT), Lynard Skynyrd, Ma Bell, Monarch, Otown (RESPECT), Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch...

The Lucky 13 Kept it simple but effective

When: 08/22/2019 QIC: Psycho Pax: Bearded Jester (moved), Candy Cane, Cousin IT, Jock Itch, Landline, Mr. Heyman (RESPECT), NoIDeer, Pied Piper, Psycho, Rasputin, Scotty Moe, Slalom, Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT) I was asked Tuesday if I wanted to Q and it had been ...

The Way To Valhalla

When: 03/21/19 QIC: Psycho Pax: Captain Obvious, Cousin IT, Cousteau (moved), Glow Worm (RESPECT), Holla Holla Holla, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Just the Tip (RESPECT), NoIDeer, Psycho, Rafiki, Silverback (RESPECT), Wagon  I was looking at the weather forecast the night...

The Day That Time Stood Still

When: 10/12/18 QIC: Psycho Pax: Catheter, Erie, Popeye, Psycho, Roll Call, Spinal Tap (RESPECT) Blastoff 10/12/18 I stepped outside to a surprising 55 degree morning. I was the lone Rucker at 0440, but it felt so good to be under the starlit night with my headphones...