Congratulations to String Bean on accepting the position of Weasel Shaker for #F3ENC. As one of String Bean’s responsibilities is to monitor the timely posting of backblasts, I am unabashedly trying to earn brownie points. And plus, my inner three year old (and my real life three year old) giggle when we say “weasel shaker”. I can’t wait for Noah’s upcoming school year when he goes into the bathroom by himself and screams for his “weasel shaker” to come in and assist. I’m already preparing my responses for the upcoming parent-teacher conferences.

19 PAX showed up by 6:30ish. Mr. Belding woke up this morning and his alarm must not have given him a warning. I didn’t think he would make it on time. It’s alright, he was saved by the bell, which in this case was Cracked Corn who was acting as our official timer for the day’s workout. Plus, Mr. Belding is the daggum man and can show up when he wants at my site as long as he reps my set in the coming “capture/surrender/please give me the booty” competition. Aquaman knows what I’m talking about.

The Thang
Partner Workout 1: Crack Corn acts as the timer for the workout.
Partner 1 does Squat Clean Thrusters
Partner 2 runs 200M

The goal is for each team to perform as many squat clean thrusters as they can during the time limit.

I found a link that breaks the form down really well.

Partner Workout 2: The six acts as the timer for the workout.
Both Partners run 800M
Max Reps of WW2 Sit Ups

Partner Workout 3: Crack Corn acts as the timer for the workout.
Partner 1 does Muscle Snatches (aka Ronda Rousey’s)
Partner 2 runs 200M

I found a similar link that breaks the form down really well.

Partner Workout 4: The six acts as the timer for the workout.
Both Partners run 800M
Max Reps of lying hip thrusters

Mary: several PAX took turns in the middle of the circle practicing count and cadence.
Flutter Kicks
Leg Lifts
WW1 Sit Ups
Plank Jacks
Crunchy Frogs

Prayer Requests
Continued prayers for Papa Smurf and family
Blease family’s foster children
Stretch’s friend pursuing fertility options
MJ’s cousin Jason Sawyer – continued prayers needed but a praise for determining and controlling the cause of oxygen deprivation!
Early Bird’s grandfather in the hospital
Buford – praise for recovery of stepmother!
Manscape’s brother going through a difficult time
A general prayer for the times as the “back to school” season is always a bit chaotic.

I know I am not the most polished Q, but I hope it comes through to you guys that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE to lead the Saturday workout. Coming up with new ways to kick your collective asses is stressful! But boy I have a good time trying…

I asked that the PAX partner up with someone of a complimentary ability to avoid having two runners together or two lifters together in an attempt to create equally abled teams across the board. I’m glad I did as Cousin IT had already propositioned JAG in the parking lot. I’m pretty sure his proposition was about partnering for just this workout, but when I saw JAG slap his face and storm off, I knew something was up.

I made this request since we incorporated a version of the game “wolf” into each workout. Before each workout, each set of partners had an opportunity to say “wolf” which signals their position of dominance in relation to the PAX. Nice Body took it a little too far when he screamed “wolf” and promptly peed on MJ. Not necessary but I like your style. The stakes of the game are that if you call “wolf” and win the workout, the PAX has to do 15 burpees as the end of the workout while you and your partner slap hands, drink water and talk smack to everybody. However, if you call “wolf” and lose the workout, you and your partner have to do the 15 burpees at the end of the workout and the PAX sits back, relaxes, slaps hands and agrees that you and your partner are both dumbasses for thinking you could actually win the workout.

I appreciated Stretch’s vote of confidence when I called “wolf” on the last workout that included the 800M run and he said “good luck with that” LOL. So surprise surprise, as one of the eight total dumbasses that called “wolf” with their partner and then lost a workout to the PAX, I had an opportunity to taste a slice of humble pie. It was not as good as SPLINTER’S PUDDING.

Just like all prior weeks, I had a blast leading such a fine group of my @F3ENC brothers. Please stay closely tuned as Bono has some really exciting plans for our region in the second half of 2016.


TClap |