10 Burpees in cadence


Repo Man WOD

7 Rounds

10 KB Hang Goblet Cleans

10 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges

10 KB Headcutters (Long cycle two handed clean and press)

10 KB Taters (Long cycle two handed clean and squat)

*Every time you drop the bell, 10 burpee penalty.

YHC thought it would be fun to not tell the PAX about the 10 burpee penalty and have them figure it out on their own. Let’s just say it didn’t take long but we ended up doing 6-7 rounds of burpees. PAX encouraged one another and even helped out a brother. Good stuff!

Mosey to the playground

Partner up to hold a brother’s feet for 3 rounds of 5 reps

Partner Assisted Pull Ups

Hanging Knee Raises


Breezy called this workout Belding’s revenge after YHC missed last week due to a couple’s retreat.

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