Tonka and Mr. Belding sent out the call for new Q’s to step up at the stadium.  Taking the I am Third mantra to heart and knowing we are meant to serve YHC stepped up to the plate.  The early grumble chatter started on Twitter and I was intent to pop someone’s corn.  15 men braved the gloom and it was time to get the MONKEY off our backs!

SSH IC x15
Imperial Walkers IC x15
Sun Gods – forward and reverse Q’s call
Monkey Humpers IC x12

The Thang
Thing 1
Break up in teams.  1st team does AMRAP Merkins while 2nd team does Monkey drills (defensive basketball shuffle drill, hitting the ground on each shuffle) x2

Thing 2 – Tabata Style – 40 sec AMRAP HIIT followed by 10 sec recovery.  30 sec recovery b/t sets.
Set 1
1. Peter Parkers
2. Chilcutt
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Flutter Kicks
Recover Mosey to Elmhurst

Set 2
1. Burpees
2. HIgh Knees
3. Monkey squats
4. Lunges
Recover Mosey back to the Flag

1. Crunchy Frogs
2. Slinkies (these still suck, Bono)
3. American Hammers

Prayers continue for Papa Smurf and the Coopers
Arsenio and M
Swaggert and M (Pax from Carterico)
Levi Lanier – Crack Corn’s Friend’s 2.0 bone infection
String Bean’s co-worker Shirley – Breast Cancer

YHC closed in prayer

Sasquatch 7/30.  We need to show strong!
Tuesday’s lunch is at the Blackened Krackened

Great turnout for Monday’s MASH today.  I was again reminded of just how awesome F3 is through the reminisces of the 2nd F at Shrimp’s beach place this weekend as well as something Cold Cut has done.  If you posted at Papa Smurf’s house you need to see Cold Cut.  Cold Cut, you are a good man and I am proud to call you brother.  When the announcement was made about Papa Smurf someone’s M made the comment that she was glad her husband had found his tribe in F3.  I echo those sentiments, as I feel I have found my tribe.  Or, as my 17 yo 2.0 says, the Man Squad!  Be blessed.



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