Since YHC has never ran the south green way loop before a plan was in place to do just that.  Flash lights were passed out.  A couple of PAX members had head lamps.  5:30 hit and we started.

Warm Up:


Good mornings IC X 12

Don Quixote’s IC X 12

The Thang:

YHC instructed the PAX to run the South Green way loop starting behind Elm Street Park to 5th via St. James, and then down by the Tar River.  The intent was to stop at least twice for the six.  YHC told the PAX the first stop would be at 5th street for the six.  Depending on where the PAX was on the loop would determine when to get off the Green Way.  After the first stop YHC failed to tell the PAX the next stop to come back for the six.  Thus, the gazelles were gone.  At this point YHC wanted to stay back with some of the PAX members to guide them to the flag.  We took a left at the dog park and back to Elm.  Arrived at the flag at 6:21 with most of the PAX waiting.

Prayer Requests:

Pong’s Mom in the hospital.

Mole Skin:

YHC thought the Green Way loop would be a cool change of pace for run strong.  Unfortunately, it back fired on him.  A mistake was made not to hold the PAX up at the first stop on 5th street for further instructions.  The result was various PAX members getting back to the flag at different times, and going over 6:15.  YHC apologizes to the PAX as one of his mantra’s is to always go back for the 6 which did not occur today.  YHC promises this will not happen again!!

Until Next Time,

Lager Out



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