The Site Q Calleth

The Ladder Cometh


Paramore Park, Peoples Baptist Church, JH Rose High School, Boyd Lee Park, Dowdy Ficklen Stadium, EB Aycock, Elm Street Park, Ayden District Park.



The Ladder continues it’s 2018 ENC Regional Tour.

Thanks for the opportunity Strokes!!!

Let’s honor all the Mamas out there on Mother’s Day!

Word to your Mother!

The morning went a little something like this:

The plan was simple. But leakage was guaranteed. This is F3, men. It doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger. (Love that, MR B.)

We would have one home base.

That was the ladder, set up on the Toyota Ampitheater Stage with six envelopes. Each envelope had a clue to a puzzle. More on that later.

We would be running out and backs, which is why YHC called for timepieces to be on wrists. Most PAX members followed instructions. A few others (Wimp and Aqua) like to drum to their own beat… Haha.

5 minutes of hill repeaters.

10 minutes NORTH on Greene Street

15 minutes SOUTH on Evans Street

15 minutes EAST on First Street

10 minutes WEST on Third Street

5 minutes of hill repeaters.


The clues were opened and read at the following times…

605 THE


630 TO

645 LIFE

655 IS:


Laughter ensued. Which is what YHC hoped for.

COUNT-O-RAMA AND NAME-O-RAMA: NO FNG’S. Welcome Large Mouth and Mama’s Boy from Washington! And Triple Double! 3 Double Respect Brothers at The Commons! Booyah! And why is it that some of you guys have not tried the Commons??? #NoExcuses


Sky Fortress’ mom and Spalding’s daughter – Praises on procedures and results! Praise for Doctor Bono and for T-Bone’s Patent! Prayers for T-Bone’s LLC. Large Mouth’s M’s Uncle (Timmy Hardison) in Intensive Care after Serious Auto Accident. Prayers and Praise for Hazmat’s running accomplishment. Gazelle’s family prayer request for school decisions. Prayers for Ricky Davis, fellow runner, with heat issues during a recent run

BOM: YHC prayed us out.

BIG THANKS to Strokes for the ice cold water after the long run!!!


Basically, on Mother’s Day, YHC wanted to honor my mom.

She is one of the most creative, optimistic people that I know.

She started a Day Care at our church when I was growing up and ran it for years.

She can keep a roomful of 2 year olds entertained for hours.

She played college basketball.

She dropped 40 points in a High School game and led her team to a State Championship.

She was the leader of the squad and her senior year, her school was integrated with an African American school and they developed an unbreakable bond that allowed them to destroy the opposition. TOGETHER.

Pops watches “A Christmas Story” at least 25 times every Christmas Season and mom sits right by his side, even though I am sure she has had her fill…

(But watching Ralphie beat down Farkas never gets old)

That says a lot about my Mom.

YHC is very blessed indeed when it comes to the parents that God set me up with.

Everyone reading this has a mom that brought you into this world.

Maybe your relationship is fantastic.

Maybe it is far from fantastic.

Maybe you have never known your mom or she has passed away long ago.

Point is this…

Moms deserve respect and honor for everything they put up with in keeping households together.

That is truth.

And it was an honor to Q on Mother’s Day.

Word to your Mother.

Drink Your Ovaltine

TClap |