Dense Fog makes for the best Gloom.

And we had it this morning at the Greatest AO in ENC aka The Commons.

Bench was your ComRuckQ and YHC was your ComRunQ.

Bench led us in the Pledge of Allegiance at 0530.

The Ruckers Rucked to the big parking garage and went up and down until 0615..headed back to the flag got back at 0630.

The Runners Ran to 1st to 5th to 10th to Evans and got back to the flag with 10 minutes to spare and took a Victory Lap around The Commons.

Bench led the prayer in BOM.

Fruity led a Great Discussion at Q Source.

Lesson of the Day:

When life comes at you like a 500 pound Grizzly and you barely survive- you have two choices.

Get Bitter or Get Better.

You can take the easy route- sit around and mope and whine, stuck in the web of wishing for what should have been or could have been…


You can take the road less traveled- learning to appreciate each moment and living life to the full.

All men walked away from this morning BETTER.

Ever forward,


TClap |