10 PAX arrived at #TheCommons for an early morning stroll through the gloom. A mild morning with a slight breeze was a perfect for a run.

The Thang

Followed the Greenway from the Commons down to 5th Street turning back for the six along the way. PAX regrouped at 5th and took a stroll the the cemetery where the early sun rise took away the feeling of running in the gloom to the end. Sounds and thoughts of Jim Morrison’s The End came to mind. Making sure no one was left behind, we continued down 5th Street, right on Reade, and back to #TheCommons.

6.6 miles logged with the group. Conversations about #brr, CoopStrong 4 miler, and the Live Free 5k permeated the group.

Welcome to FNG Drop Zone!

Prayer Request:

Harry Potter’s father, Suitcase, is traveling abroad in Asia. He is experiencing a lot of weather changes. Praying for safe travels.

Prayer/Praise Report:

Ainsley’s Angels is an opportunity for our F3 brothers to assist people with disabilities who desire to participate in road races. More to come on the opportunity with some training to be provided.

I’d like to thank Strokes for the opportunity to Q #TheCommons again. The best AO out there. God Bless!

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