The Thang: Mosy down street to stoplight, Merkin Mania! 9 sets of 9 Merkins – regular, wide, diamond, hand release.

Mosy back to flag, break into pairs.  Complete a total of: 153 KB swings, 208 KB squats, 108 Snatches, 108 WW2s while other partner did bear crawls along the grass during the swings, lunges during the squats, then ran the parking lot for the snatches and WW2s.

Circle up, curls 9x each arm, pass KB or weight to the left, several sets.  Indian run around Paramore park tree and back, to circle, tricep extensions sets of 9 passing weights.  Burpees to finish.  YHC did 9.

BOM: FNG naming Nemo – but looking at the list, we already have a Nemo, so we’ll have to rename Marlin – I suggest “Dory?”

Prayer requests: Patch’s backpain, continued prayers for those affected by hurricanes, Gang star’s Pastor’s wife has a mysterious ailment, San Fran’s wife, Bedpan’s wife.

Moleskin: Honestly, I’m internally terrified when I Q the good fight – I don’t feel like I know enough time management or how to lead a workout to be good at it.  So even though Pied Piper gives me a good amount of time to come up with something, I fret over it for a while. This was the case today as I arrived and wasn’t quite sure how to implement everything or how the time would work out.  To top it off, so many people came today – almost all of the heavy hitters and Hall of Famers like Spin Cycle! – I know there have never been that many people at the Fight, so maybe everyone showed up for a Piper workout – I can only hope that everyone went home feeling like it was worth it.  I was a little nervous to start – missed the count on the merkins.  So…what was with all of the odd numbers? I was trying to come up with a chemistry theme.  I wasn’t quite confident unleashing some posterboard or explaining myself when we were working out, but on the periodic table, F stands for fluorine.  It’s atomic number is 9, meaning it has 9 protons.  Fluorine exists as a two-atom molecule F2.  To make F3, theoretically it would take a lot of energy – activation energy.  Today, we were the activation energy in the form of doing roughly 9 exercises with sets, or multiples of 9.  Anyway, that was my weird thought process.  Concerning me and F3 – I am not the greatest member of the group – but I’m getting more active.  Never in a million years would I have thought that I would lead a group workout (twice now!) or strap a heavy backpack to my back and speed walk around Greenville on a Saturday morning.  The sense of togetherness is growing on me – seeing folks around town and addressing each other by our F3 names – it’s great. I’ll keep trying to be a better member and relish the opportunities that the group is giving me to become a better leader and man. Thanks to everyone that I’ve met through F3 and I look forward to our continued interactions.

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