The Thang: warmed up with regular things, jog around the park.  We joked that it would be funny to have a workout with nothing but side straddle hops, so when we got back to the circle, we incorporated some random side straddle hops into the KB part. KB workout was 10 jumping over the bell burpees, followed by swings and goblet squats.  Sufficiently warmed up, we went to the woodshed and partnered up – not really sure why in retrospect because I didn’t lead this section too well, but the idea was to have a partner workout pyramid type deal where we start at 8 total reps and work up by two for each of the following:  box jumps/step ups, snatch/squat/press, merkins, deadlifts.  The goal was to work up the pyramid and then back down.  We did this AMRAP for a while.  Then back to the circle for some KB triceps and bicep work before a few rounds of Mary.

I wanted this to be similar to a Cross-fit type workout where we all were too tired to drive home when we’re done.  Got somewhat there.  Chose this idea because I got pulled into some of those workouts by a work colleague back in January.  Since it was close to Valentine’s Day, I felt like I was confessing some sort of weird workout affair in keeping with the theme.


Prayers: Florida school shooting victims, Paul Solidaeus (spelling?) car accident in Greenville, Jonette Stanley in Ayden (breast cancer), Michael Whitfield Sr. (cancer), a PAX’s (Shaft? – hard to hear, sorry) son (surgery), Cold cut’s dad, String bean’s neighbor Susan Ingram (cancer),  Friends with surgery, Patch’s wife screening (hoping for a clean report).

Announcements: Sign up for the 3-year anniversary workout, Rucks March 9-10, Aqua Man is going to “The Mule” before the Light in Raleigh – jump in his car if you want to go with him. Storm the Stadium Mar 17. Coopstrong Run Mar 24.  Run Ranger Run Donate to the Ruck Team. Whetstone Project: Consider being a mentor to a college kid at ECU.  Talk to Pied Piper for more info about this. Sign up!  NC Civil Money – pay pal to contribute.

Sorry for the lateness of this.  The workout was good, but then I put this down and didn’t get it out timely.  Had a rough week.  I will be better going forward.

TClap |