YHC must admit that he forgot this Q was coming up. Luckily, Bedtime story reminded YCH at Ruck Ready this week. YHC recently purchased a new battery-powered bluetooth speaker, so YHC pulled out an old weinke that incorporated some tunes…

Warm Up
-20 SSH
-20 Flutter Kicks
-20 Merkins
-Run a lap, meet back at picnic shelter

The Thang

Tabata (30 seconds AMRAP, 10 seconds of rest), 2 sets for each round

Round 1:
Pull Ups, Goblet Squats, Lunge Presses, Sumo-Squat High-Pulls

Round 2:
Russian (chest high) Swings, Triceps extensions, Overhead Squats, KB Step-Ups

Round 3:

Right-Arm Plank Rows, WW1 (with KB), Curls for the Girls, Left-Arm Plank Rows

Line up by the flag, pick a partner

-Partner 1 farmers carry to first tree and back, Partner 2 burpees AMRAP, Flapjack
-Partner 1 bear crawl to first tree and back. Partner 2 squats AMRAP, Flapjack
-Partner 1 run around shelter and playground, Partner 2 chest press AMRAP, Flapjack
-Partner 1 overhead carry to first tree and back. Partner 2 WW2 AMRAP, Flapjack

At this point, we returned to the shelter. YHC called on Cousin IT to give us a Mary exercise. Matlock commented that this must mean that YHC had exhausted his weinke. Little did he know, “Mary – PAX Choice” was on the weinke.

-YHC’s brother
-Bench’s mom recovering from fractured vertebrae
-Softshell’s brother-in-law recovering from heart surgery
-Panther has been very sick lately

YHC has never been very close with his brother. Despite that, YHC was rocked this week by some bad news concerning him. YHC’s first thought was to reach out to one of my F3 brothers for advice. Later it hit YHC…that’s powerful stuff. Having a large group of men that YHC can trust is such a huge blessing in YHC’s life. Thank you all for everything you do!

TClap |