YHC was asked by Pied Piper to assist the refereeing TGF before Christmas. The Good Fight began at 5:30 as all fights do and everyone fought til the last round.  Here’s how it went down with shoulders, triceps, chest and legs taking the beating:

Round 1 – warmup / stretch
1.   Chinooks
2.   Finkle Swinks
3.   Rosalita with deviation for cadence
4.   Windmills in cadence

The  Thang
Round 2 – Kettle bell of each PAX choosing for 3 sets each of Shoulder presses and tricep presses 10 each arm and tricep presses 10 each arm  3 sets completed this round –  shoulders and triceps were screaming to stop the jabs

Round 3 –  Jabs continued with Passing the kettle – all circled up at arm lengths width apart with a kettle bell in the right hand. As each Pax raised their right arm laterally the kettle was passed to the PAX to the right whose left hand was outstretched waiting to receive the kettle bell.  This was suppose to be a slow methodical motion by raising arms laterally up and down to burn the shoulders. Pax decided to move and fight faster and got beat up and starting sucking wind. I had to slow them down to make it suck more. Once you got your kettle bell back the circle reversed passing the kettle as before

Round 4 – combinations started at the covered eating area –   Rafter Pullups 5, push ups 10 and burpees 15. 4 sets or rotations completed the round. A few PAX were overachievers and wanted more so the combinations continued with merkins

Round 5 – Back to grass with kettle bell swings/squats  – with feet shoulder width apart and holding the kettle bell with both hands the fight round began in cadence -slow squat down was 1 and rise was 2 from between legs swing kettle bell up til arms are parallel to ground was 3 for the combination that was to be the knockout.  20 reps at 2 Sets for this round   Everyone moved together in cadence pretty good but I could tell this was the beat down I was looking for. The struggle was real to continue in the fight but no one gave up after the many punishing jabs

Pied Piper conducted the cool down with leg raises and the tunnel of love which sucked with the farts that were happening then the knockouts happened. By this time the fight was over and everyone thru in the towel.


Prayer request went out for Robyn Avery (chemo) Barry Stanley, mothers of Kim Osborne and Matt Lemry, a grandfather with a blood clot.   Pied Piper ended with a prayer as the orange color of the wonderful sunrise began to pop thru and the blessing that had been bestowed upon us all.


This group of PAX is awesome, each PAX pushes one another, talk SH*T and nobody gives up even when we are beat down and broken.  Until the next fight – train hard and keep jabbing.



TClap |