Silverback asked me to Q a few weeks ago, and of course I said yes.  Not only is this one of my favorite AO’s, I really enjoy having the Q for this workout.  I spent some time researching a good workout for the day.  As soon as I came across the original 300 workout I looked no further as this is what would be in store for the PAX.  Just like Tuesday I was pleasantly surprised to see 9 PAX show in the rain today!

Disclaimer given and the onslaught began!

Warm Up:


Small arm circles- front and back

Big arm circles-front and back

10 KB swings

KB Overhead Halo

Lap around the perimeter

The Thang:

The Original 300 workout specifically for the actors from the movie (yes you can look like those actors if you do this workout three times a week and quit drinking beer and eating cereal!):


Pull UPs                                              25

Double KB Deadlift                             50

Merkins                                               50

Box Jumps                                          50

Floor Wipers w/ KB                             50

KB Clean and Press                           25 each arm

Pull Ups                                              25

YHC instructed the PAX to partner up for accountability, and the fact that two KB’s would be used for the deadlifts.  The PAX completed all of the reps for each exercise before moving to the next exercise.  Some of the PAX need to go out for the next movie as they beat the actual actors for time (18 minutes).  Better yet I plan on bringing out a 135lb barbell next time.  If a PAX member finished before the rest 10 KB swings and 30 second plank holds (rinse and repeat AMRAP) were in store.  Once the PAX finished we took another lap around the perimeter.  Round 2 commenced with a modification.  AMRAP was in store until the end with 10 reps for each exercise except Merkins which was 25.  The PAX really pushed it hard as most got close to finishing the second round.

Prayer Requests:

All PAX members with injuries: Pied Piper, Hot Spot, Rafiki (knee will be getting looked at next week), Past Due

Praise for Doubt Fire’s return

For all of those traveling next week for Thanksgiving

Pray for Fruity Pepples Aunt and Uncle who lost their home in the California wild fire.  They live in Paradise.

Pray for all of the first responders and fire fighters in California.



Lunch and Villa Verde on Friday @ 11:45am.

Silver Back has the Q on Thanksgiving

Rafiki has the Q at 116 on Saturday

Grammer has the Q at Westside on Friday

The Kotter challenge is still going strong- keep a watch out on twitter.

Hot Spot mentioned that the First Born Community Development Center in Grimesland will be feeding around 5,000 people this Saturday and on December 22nd.  They need volunteers.  You can show up anytime after 7:45am to help.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q Silverback!  The PAX really pushed it hard today with a not for the faint of heart workout!  I am sure by now Cousin It has already had several coronary events as YHC actually put this BB out on the same day as the workout!

TClap |