Russian Dips at the Doughnut Shot

When: 08/06/2018 QIC: Bad Boy Pax: Bad Boy, Seal, Tiny Dancer (2.0) YHC was a little tired after a trip to Asheville, but 3 PAX showed for a Monday morning beat down. YHC was honored to lead. Start at the first light pole and do 5 burpees. Mosey to the next light pole...

Birdhouse Casualty

When: 08/01/2018 QIC: Seal Pax: Aquaman, Bad Boy, Bartman, Bearded Jester (moved), Bench, Bono, Noonan, Scotty Moe, Seal, Tiny Dancer (2.0), Wall Street Beatiful day for some big heavies in the ville! Started at 0445 this morning with a ruck through the hard streets...


When: 07/25/18 QIC: Scotty Moe Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bad Boy, Bartman, Bench, Cheesehead (2.0), Fruity Pebbles, Magic, Scotty Moe, Soft Shell (RESPECT), Tiny Dancer (2.0), Web Gem YHC woke up around 0400 and wasn’t sure if this workout was going to happen due...

We got wet!

When: 07/21/18 QIC: Scotty Moe Pax: Bad Boy, Bartman, Magic, Pothole, Rage Quit (2.0), Scotty Moe, Tiny Dancer (2.0) FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG- Rage Quit YHC took a pinch hit for Wall Street. Wall Street has an ankle injury so praying for a speedy recovery for him. The...


When: 07/07/18 QIC: Tiny Dancer Pax: Bad Boy, Dark Web, Pothole, Tiny Dancer (2.0) YHC was at the hospital with my newborn.  Tiny Dancer stepped up to Q. IT WAS HARD. TClap |...