Don’t Drop the Bell

When: 12/31/2020 QIC: Abu Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Bedtime Story (RESPECT), Cousin IT, Fin, Kenny G, The Closed Hand WARMUP Good Mornings x 10 IC Kettlebell-less Swings x 10 IC SSH x 10 IC Squats x 10 IC   THE THANG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 rep sequence 1) Swing, High Pull,...

Turkish Getup Delight!

When: 12/12/2020 QIC: Grout Pax: Abu, Boston Lager, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gazelle, Giuliani (RESPECT), Grout, Kenny G, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT) Extra Credit: Cold Cut , Grout EC YHC and Cold Cut took a stroll around YHC’s soon-to-be new neighborhood over...

Late Start

When: 10/31/2020 QIC: Abu Pax: Abu, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Gazelle, Giuliani (RESPECT), Grout, Kenny G, Rafiki, Slalom, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), SR, String Bean Extra Credit: Abu, Cold-Cut, Cousin IT, Grout WARMUP Rafiki led the PAX in a warmup while...