The Sore Core Beatdown

When: 12/17/2020 QIC: Burpee Pax: 18B, Burpee, Emmet, Flux, Gopher, Landlord (DOUBLE RESPECT), Mule, My Pleasure, Scrappy, Shank (DOUBLE RESPECT), Wildcat - Kinston As I arrived to Row the Boat, I was expecting there to be more water on the ground. However, the...

CSAUP recovery comes to Ayden

When: 12/14/2020 QIC: Mule Pax: Aquaman, Jackpot, Mule, Rafiki, Short Stop, Sound Bite A few weeks ago, Jackpot and YHC coordinated Qs at each other’s AO. Today was the first in that exchange, so YHC and Shortstop headed north from Kinston in the drizzle to The...

12 Days of Christmas(CSAUP)

When: 12/12/2020 QIC: Gopher Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Chestnut, Cousin IT, Forrest - Kinston, Goggles (RESPECT), Gopher, LEO (RESPECT), Long Distance, Lt. Dan, Mule, My Pleasure, Oxy, Permit, Phoenix, Rafiki, RedBox, Short Stop, SOL (RESPECT), Speed Square, Uhaul, Waterboy...

Bombs Away

When: 12/01/2020 QIC: Landlord Pax: Alamo, Bonesaw (TRIPLE RESPECT), Chewy (2.0), CPR, Goggles (RESPECT), Gopher, House Call, Landlord (DOUBLE RESPECT), LEO (RESPECT), Mayhem - Kinston, Mule, Mulligan - Kinston, Never Happened (RESPECT), Phoenix, Porkchop - Kinston,...