EC Run:  Rafiki, Abu and Silverback

Moleskin:  What a lot of fun this was!!  So much smack talking today at #TheGoodFight in the mumblechatter made this hard workout in the muck filled with laughter and amped up fellowship!  

Warm Up:

  • Run to light and back

The Thang:


Tabata #1:

  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Bicep Curl

I reduced the number of sets per exercise in the standard tabata from 8 rounds to 5 rounds each.

Walk with Kettle bell over head to Ditch

Super Set #1:
• Goblet Squat in Cadence (15 Reps)
• Derkins (head in the ditch) Max Reps in 30 seconds

Walk Kettle bell over head to shelter

Tabata #2:

  • Pull ups (5 rounds)
  • Clean and jerk each arm per round (6 Rounds)

Walk Kettle bell over head to ditch

Super Set #2

  • Tricep Press in Cadence (15 reps)
  • Incline Burpees in 30 seconds

Tabata #3

  • One arm snatch each arm per round (6 Rounds)

Run Kettle bell to ditch

Super Set #3:

  • Thrusters in Cadence (15 reps)
  • Max WW2’s head in the ditch in 30 seconds


Prayers:  Vanilla’s wife’s uncle in hospital for a transplant, Vanilla’s wife and her pregnancy and a healthy baby, our injured pax: Hot Spot, Bad Boy, and Pied Piper (surgery on Jan 14)

Announcements:  Pub Ruck tomorrow night at the Town Commons

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