A simply beautiful gloom awaited those that chose the hardest thang, at the Good Fight. We began with Our Pledge of Allegiance. Arm Circles, Forward, Backward, SSH.

Every man was kneaded in this special kettle bellish beat-down. Started with EMOM of 10 minutes. Complete 10 KB Swings (Russian) then 3 Burpees per set. 10 sets.

Weighted Series of at least 20 Flutter Kicks (Spinal Tap reprieve). 20 V-Ups. Headed back and forth with Over Head single arm carry; alternating half way. Continuation in the Nation

(20) Lunging and Squatting. Overhead carrying, back and forth. Rinsing. Repeating.

(20) Curling and Tricepting. Over your big head carrying, back and forth. Rinsing. Repeating.

(20) Bentovers, two arm; then single arm lawn mowing. Over head toting, back and forth. Rinsing. Repeating.

Moving to the B I G   cmu’s.   Farmer Carried two Blocks each down and back, whilst the remaining PAX were completing goblet squats. Under the shelter for about a minute of step-ups.

COT. Ailing PAX. Recovering people from ailments. Hurting folks: mentally, physically, spiritually. Our Nation. Traveling mercies.

Short Round has the Q at Eagle’s Ridge Tuesday at the ‘Only Boot Camp’ in ENC.


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