A truth that YHC is a big fan of is that a solid beat down can had with out the use of excessively high reps. High reps for most pax (often YHC) becomes 10 good reps followed by a bunch of poor form trash reps. With no desire to pass along trash YHC gave a brief disclaimer, then informed the pax that none of rep counts for the exercises would be more than ten. For counting, pax would only need to use their fingers. The “for counting” may have gone unheard and thus the mumbler chatter started.


good morings

cotton pickers




mosey to building while pax picked some exercises. Pax was not told what the exercises were for and somehow we wound up being led by Sir String Bean to 10 reps of Never Again. Never again! Big Four Corners using both buildings, 10 reps at each corner with right leg burpees/ no surrender/ left leg burpees/ jump squats. Trying to run after a set of one legged burpees is a, um, unique experience. you should try this if you haven’t.

Mosey to soccer field for bear crawl 7s(bear craw across field, run back) using pax pick WW2/Flutter Kicks followed by Stabler led X and Os

Long mosey around the ball fields followed by:




Slow merkins



Back to the gym building for a smaller Four Corners with 10 reps of pick-your-own exercises at each corner.

To the flag for some pax led mary with an awesome grand finale as SB led us in Fingertip Merkins.


Grammar’s coworker Linda

Recent death of ECU MBA student and former ECU track athlete

Praise for the Sky Q’s guidance in helping son

C 12 prayer group



3 year convergence tomorrow 07:00 at The Commons, EC run 06:00, can still bring donation for NC Civil

Storm the Stadium Mar 17th- sign up and join the F3 group in the 08:30 heat

CoopStrong 4 miler Mar 24th – run, ruck, or volunteer


Mumblechatter started early, was often, and really took the work out to better, more fun,  level. Never know what your going to get at F3 workout, even if your the Q. This morning there was a giving pax- not only with picking some fantastic exercises and mumblechatter, but also bringing plenty of the 2nd F glue and looking out for each other. First 4 corners was work. Bear crawls were brutal (especially the last one). So awesome to get to push though with HIMS all round pushing with you.

TClap |