At the Umbrella Market last Wednesday, Hot Spot asked YHC if I would be willing to Q this week. Not having posted there before, I thought no better way to debut than as the Q. I did some scouting yesterday to come up with a plan. After a quick phone call to our 1st F Q Tonka to see if my plan of Ultimate Frisbee was within the limits of F3, I shot over to Target to look for a glow in the dark Frisbee since the one I have isn’t. They didn’t have one, but they did have a sweet all weather Nerf football. I brought both in case the PAX preferred one over the other. Some AOs are better lit than others in the gloom and unfortunately the soccer field at West Side is very dark. We got started early with our warm up to see whether the Frisbee or football was easier to see and catch. Even though our chances of breaking a tooth with the Frisbee was greater, it was easier to see and so we started with that.

Warm Up

Mosey to the other end of the soccer field and back.

The Thang

Partner up with someone of similar size and speed and decide who is 1 and 2.

Team 1 (Skins): Hot Spot, Shrimp, Cousin IT, Muggsy, Stats, Hacksaw

Team 2 (Shirts): Abu, Strokes, Thunderbird, Fredstinko, Charlie Brown

Touchdown = 6 Merkins IC

PAX who scored picks exercise for other team at the same number of reps

1st Touchdown = 6 Merkins, 2nd = 12 Merkins, 3rd = 18 Merkins, etc.

1st Half: Ultimate Frisbee

Team 1: 0

Team 2: 36

At this point, Team 2’s chests were worn out and Team 1 begged to switch to the football. We complied.

2nd Half: Ultimate Football

We reset the reps back to 0 so the first touchdown = 6 Merkins

Team 1: 18

Team 2: 12

Prayer Requests: Hot Spot’s calf, Strokes wife’s aunt who passed away, Hacksaw’s dad, Spellcheck’s wife, Shrimp’s wife’s cousin who committed suicide a couple months ago was asked to plant a tree on Mother’s Day in memory of him, Charlie Brown’s mother who is in the hospital, Stats’ migraine (and back/ribs),

Announcements: Last Saturday of the month, Ultimate Football is coming back at Boyd Lee Park. Be on the lookout on the Twitter machine.

Moleskin: After deciding on a plan, I failed Q protocol by disclosing it to several PAX. I’m not sure what rule that is Tonka, but I’m sorry I’m not sorry for breaking it. My intent was to get a good size group out there since their numbers are usually small. The other incentive was to take the Booty Flag back to #RunStrong. I can’t lie I was a little hurt by the lack of responses and love from my #RunStrong folks. Only 3 posted.

Since this was my first time posting at #WestSideStory, I now know why the numbers are usually small. It certainly isn’t due to a lack of leadership in Hot Spot. He is a stud. First, you have to leave 15 minutes earlier than normal just in case you get stopped by every dang light in Greenville. Second, it is home to the largest species of mosquitoes that hunt in masses and are unaffected by bug spray. I sure was happy to be on the Shirts team this morning.

Since this wasn’t the typical beatdown, I was able to learn some interesting things about some of the PAX that I didn’t know before. Cousin IT is a fierce competitor, more than I expected. Nothing wrong with that as it takes one to know one. He is also hairier than I expected. Ha. Muggsy has great hands and carried Team 1. He has leader written all over him just like his dad. Fredstinko needs some work on his hands. Shrimp has a cannon and always goes for the bomb. Stats can take a WWE style Flying Elbow Drop from the top rope like a champ. And no surprise here but Charlie Brown still reigns as the king of #Mumblechatter.

It was great to see Thunderbird back in the gloom, who has been battling a knee injury.

Despite what I said above, #WestSideStory is a great AO with lots of opportunities for a quality beatdown. Don’t wait to be asked. Step up and ask Hot Spot to Q.

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