The Gloom IS Awesome

When: 10/11/2021 QIC: Cousin IT Pax: Cousin IT, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Short Round (RESPECT), Silverado It’s been awhile since YHC has Q’d here, so the request went into Fin! He put YHC on the schedule and plans were somewhat...

Seeing the whole parking lot

When: 09/27/2021 QIC: Padre Pax: Bench, Cousin IT, Fin, Ma Bell, Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Spinal Tap (RESPECT) Since this is a weighted cardio site we did several rounds of kettle bell exercises with our rucks on at 5 stops while walking and shuffling...

(Also Late) THREEs Company

When: 09/13/2021 QIC: Fin Pax: Bench, Fin, Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT) THREE HIMs Rucked for MILES with small exercise stations in between. Lots of great MUMBLECHATTER on this scorchingly hot morning. TClap |...

Later – Cousin IT is going to RING my Bell

When: 08/30/2021 QIC: Fin Pax: Cousin IT, Fin, Haavaad (RESPECT), Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Short Round (RESPECT) Extra Credit: Haavaad, Patch Bell were hoisted – Rucks were trudged through the blanketing humidity.  While We all got 1% better...

Nothing fancy

When: 09/20/2021 QIC: Bench Pax: Bench, Haavaad (RESPECT), Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Spinal Tap (RESPECT) Extra Credit: Bench Patch Haavaad Spinal Tap 0530 Pledge of Allegiance Ruck up and partner up We will perform 3 sets of every exercise while...

Back and Forth

When: 09/06/2021 QIC: Haavaad Pax: Bedtime Story (RESPECT), Fin, Haavaad (RESPECT), Lynard Skynyrd, Patch (RESPECT) Extra Credit: Haavaad, Lynard Skynyrd, Patch Pledge Warm up: SSH 20 IC, 3 Burpee OYO, SSH 20 IC, 3 Burpee OYO,SSH 20 IC, 3 Burpee OYO Thang: Take KB and...