When: 11/16/2021 QIC: Bedtime Story Pax: Bartman, Bedtime Story (RESPECT), Chicken Wang, Coat Hanger (RESPECT), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Deep Dish, Easy Rider (RESPECT), Just Flair, Minnesota Fats (RESPECT), Pusher (Chanas), Scotty Moe, Tweety Bird Extra Credit:...

Time Marches On

When: 11/10/2021 QIC: Bartman Pax: Bartman Extra Credit: Bartman With 2/3 of the village down for the count and possible FNG (Who didn’t show), the show must go on.  Miles around the sleepy town with PT at the police station. TClap |...


When: 11/03/2021 QIC: Bartman Pax: Bartman, Scotty Moe Extra Credit: Scotty Moe, Bartman 2 PAX rucked up for some miles and PT around the streets of the village. TClap |...

Damm it’s Cold

When: 11/09/2021 QIC: Newfie Pax: Bartman, Coat Hanger (RESPECT), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Corncrake, Easy Rider (RESPECT), Gunny, Ken Burns, Kramden, Laces Out, Man Can, Minnesota Fats (RESPECT), Mr. Heyman (RESPECT), Newfie (RESPECT), Quatro, Scotty Moe,...

Are those thumbs up?

When: 10/27/2021 QIC: Alfred the Butler Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bartman, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Scotty Moe Extra Credit: Scotty Moe, Bartman, Cold-Cut Warm Up: SSH, High Knees, Imperial Walkers (X15, IC) THE THANG: Bus circle for Over-Under PAX lines up and each...