When: 07/18/2020 QIC: Wimpier Pax: Abu, Asparagus, Beer Garden, Cousin IT, Cousteau (moved), Fredstinko, Giuliani (RESPECT), Grout, Kramden, Silverado, Slalom, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Truck Bed, Wimpie Extra Credit: abu, asparges, Cousin It, Slalom, Fredstinko Abu...

The Rucking Oval Office Is Awesome!

When: 07/17/2020 QIC: Shake and Bake Pax: Arkansas, Candy Cane, Captain Obvious, Cousteau (moved), Fredstinko, Gazelle, Grammar, Hoka, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Lynard Skynyrd, Patch (RESPECT), Shake and Bake, Strokes, Tonka The Thang: YHC thought it would be pretty awesome...

I Got You Grout

When: 06/20/2020 QIC: Grout Pax: Abu, Aquaman, Asparagus, Bedtime Story (RESPECT), Boston Lager, Captain Obvious, Cousin IT, Cousteau (moved), Fiddler (2.0), Flick, Gazelle, Grout, Kramden, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Showman, Silverado, Slalom, Slim Jim (DOUBLE...

Round and Round

When: 07/10/2020 QIC: Captain Obvious Pax: Arkansas, Captain Obvious, Cousteau (moved), Grammar, Hoka, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Matlock, Shake and Bake, Tonka YHC apologies for the late Backblast.   Last week at the toughest AO in F3ENC (The Oval Office) only a select...

The Alarm Rings in the Gloom

When: 07/14/2020 QIC: Cousteau Pax: Bud-weis-er, Candy Cane, Cousteau (moved), Haavaad (RESPECT), Lynard Skynyrd, Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT) Extra Credit: Lynard Skynyrd, Patch, Haavaad, Cousteau In the spirit of my final weeks in Greenville, Skynyrd...