Story in a Nutshell. Be the Guide.

When: 04/20/18 QIC: String Bean Pax: Bartman, Cousin IT, Crazy Eyes (RESPECT), Die Hard, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Jennay (RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Rafiki, Scotty Moe, Silverback (RESPECT), Stabler, String Bean, Strokes, Tonka FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG- Crazy Eyes (RESPECT)...

Tiny Dancer takes charge

When: 04/07/18 QIC: Tiny Dancer Pax: Bad Boy, Bartman, Jennay (RESPECT), Pothole, Scotty Moe, Tiny Dancer (2.0) Tiny Dancer doesn’t know how to do a BB, so YHC is doing it for him. Tiny Dancers beatdown went something like this. The Thang Warm-Up: SSH (IC) Good...

Plan B

When: 03/17/18 QIC: Silverback Pax: Bartman, Bench, Dark Web, Jennay (RESPECT), Pothole, Scotty Moe, Silverback (RESPECT), Tiny Dancer (2.0) Bartman asked me to Q about 3 weeks ago and YHC already had in mind what to do…. Plan A.  Reading the back blasts this...

$aturday $*** $how

When: 03/10/18 QIC: Money Shot Pax: Bad Boy, Bartman, Jennay (RESPECT), Manhole, Money Shot, Nyquill, Pothole, Scotty Moe Warmup: SSH X 10, Good Morning X 10, DK X 10 The Thang: Rock Pile – 5 sets of 10 count squat, 5 sets of 10 count overhead press, 5 sets of...

Go Farmville!

When: 3/3/18 QIC: Bench Pax: Alfred the Butler, Bad Boy, Bartman, Bench, Dark Web, FMB, Gaylord Focker, Jennay (RESPECT), Magic, Manhole, Money Shot, Nyquill, Pothole, Scotty Moe, Soggy Bottom (RESPECT), Tiny Dancer (2.0) FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG's - Gaylord Focker,...