Without ABU

When: 01/04/2020 QIC: Aquaman Pax: Aquaman, Boston Lager, Punch Out, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Talullah, The Situation Warm -up Merkins Mountain climbers Man Makers Da Thung – 5 rounds of the following sets 30 swings 20 goblet squats 10 shoulder press   30...

Easy to Hard 800s

When: 01/10/2020 QIC: Footloose Pax: 5 Way, Arkansas, Captain Obvious, Crush, Footloose, Gazelle, Grammar, Just the Tip (RESPECT), Novocaine, Punch Out, The Closed Hand, The Situation, The Streak, Tonka YHC had the pleasure to Q his old site. Which I gave away only a...

JayCee on a Sunday Morning

When: 01/05/2020 QIC: Silverback Pax: Arkansas, Backhoe, Bud-weis-er, Candy Cane, Captain Obvious, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Fruity Pebbles, Gazelle, Grammar, Harry Potter, Just the Tip (RESPECT), Ma Bell, Made Me Late, Punch Out, Silverback (RESPECT),...

Pick your mileage

When: 12/17/2019 QIC: Gazelle Pax: Boston Lager, Gamecock (RESPECT), Gazelle, Novocaine, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, String Bean, The Closed Hand, The Situation, Tortoise (moved), Yellow Brick After much negotiation, Tortoise was able to secure a Q from YHC. He...