Drago WOD

100 American Swings

200 Russian Swings

Every time you drop the KB, do

5 Burpees,

10 Merkins

15 Squats


YHC partitioned the WOD to break it up into bite size pieces and decided to do it all in cadence so we could stay together. I also intensified it by doing Jump Squats rather than regular squats.

4 Rounds of the following:

25 American Swings

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

15 Jump Squats

8 Rounds of the following

25 Russian Swings

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

15 Jump Squats

At this point we had 8 minutes left. Time for some Turkish Get Ups

We did one without weight IC

Then did 2 reps each side

Giuliani was tardy and missed the first round. After Nameorama he decided to knock it out. Boston Lager brought it to our attention, and YHC couldn’t stand there and watch him do it solo. Therefore we all did another round IC with him. Giuliani started with the burpees so owed us 25 American Swings, which he did once he got home.

Prayer Requests: Bedtime Story’s friend tragically passed away, Silverado moving his dad into a nursing facility, Slim Jim’s job search, the silent majority, Aquaman’s mom’s health, lots of praises and things to be grateful for

Announcements: Sasquatch next Saturday launching from #TheCommons! 4 waves to keep our distance.

0500 Wave: Ruck Complete

0530 Wave: Ruck Compete

0600 Wave: Run Complete

0630 Wave: Run Compete

Since it is virtual you can also do it whenever you want. Grab a partner and crush it.

Moleskin: I have wanted to bring Drago out to Boyd Lee for a while now, but kept passing over it waiting for the right time. As I was planning my workout yesterday, I saw it, had that gut feeling that the timing was right, and that was all I needed to commit to it. I sent it out to Captain Obvious who had to miss due to work and Kenny G who also loves some funishment. Then Noonan poked the bear on Slack saying that #BoydLeeBeatdown may not be the hardest workout of the week. Knowing what was in store for the PAX, the timing of Drago was further validated. 15 HIM showed up to Boyd Lee ready to work and it was on. This is a special AO that continues to grow. Drago tried to break us this morning but we kept getting up and knocked him out. Aye!

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