Warm Up

Zero rest between each exercise

Squatsx10 IC

KB Sumo Squatsslow x10 IC

KB Sumo Squatsfast x10 IC

KB Push Pressx10 each side IC

KB Cleanx10 each side IC

KB High Pullx10 each side IC

KB Snatchx10 each side IC

KB Clean Squat Pressx10 each side IC

KB One leg RDL Knee Raisex15 each side IC (x5 right hand holding KB, x5 left hand holding KB, x5 both hands holding KB)

Now that we’re good and smoked, let’s get started.

The Thang

Partner up with someone similar strength/speed to push one another

2 Rounds for time

30 KB Swingsat the flag (modification: 15 reps)

Run400mto pull up bars (modification: run straight to pull up bars about 200m)

30 Pull Ups(modification: 15 reps)

Run 400mto flag (modification: run straight to flag about 200m)

2 Rounds for time

30 KB Rows(30 each side, modification: 15 each side)

Run 400mto pull up bars (modification: run straight to pull up bars about 200m)

30 Split Squats w/ back leg on bench (30 each side, modification: 15 each side)

Run 400mto flag (modification: run straight to flag about 200m)

Prayer Requests: Cable’s A/C, Bono’s ability to pause before responding to a text, Poppin’s uncle who fell in the water trying to dock a boat but was rescued by his cousin, M got diagnosed with psoriasis, Chestnut’s school work

Announcements: https://www.f3enc.com/announcements/

Moleskin: As a Q, it is important to assess the PAX that show up before you start because you may need or want to modify your weinke to accommodate all. For example, I didn’t plan to do the extended warm up with the variety of movements, but with a handful of newer PAX that showed, I saw it as a great opportunity to teach the basic movements, while also adding some Abu style dynamic movements to challenge everyone. Assessing the PAX is a good thing to do, but sometimes your assessment is way off. As Cousin IT and I were running around Boyd Lee, I shared with him that the first time Floater (Double Repsect) showed to #BoydLeeBeatdown I, knowing what was in store for the PAX, asked him if he was there to run by himself or for the kettlebells. He said he was there for the beatdown but didn’t have a KB. I thought about modifying my weinke because I didn’t want to kill him but decided against it and I’m so glad I didn’t. It was a beatdown for sure but Floater, at 60, is a beast and incredibly inspiring. I knew he was a runner, but damn he is so much more than that. Not only did he crush the workout, he bought a KB that week and has been a regular on Saturdays ever since. TClaps brother! I enjoyed hearing Mr. Belding talk about how much you pushed him during this workout. I also want to give a shout out to Baby Ruth and Chestnut who came out and pushed through this tough workout. If you haven’t been out there in a while or ever, I encourage you to come check it out. It is the toughest workout of the week, but if you look at the pics after the beatdown, the PAX have the biggest smiles on their faces from completing it together.

TClap |